
Kyle J. Roux


Developer Program Member

a python/javascript/php/linux guru ready to take on the world...

orange, CA, USA


Overriding Mdx in Docz

2 min read

How to override the mdx components when using Docz

Why would i event want to do that?

There are are few reasons why its helpful

    the possibilities are endless.

    One of the eaiser things we could do would be to completley override the layout of a given page.

    All you need to do for that to work is to export the a component as default from the mdx file.

    The biggest issue with this is you lose all context from the mdx.
    As well as all mdx styling.

    Another solution would be to just replace the default Layout component from gatsby-theme-docz.

    This lets us keep our context and styling But it replaces all of the pages.

    Now what if I want to override only selective pages like the first solution,

    But i want to keep my styling and context like in the second solution?

    Here is a way to get the best of both worlds.

    First we need a way to communicate that we want to override the pages layoput.

    The first solution uses the default export feature of javascript to do this.

    In our solution to make it feel more like a regular mdx document and less like a javascript file we will utilize its front-matter.

    To do that we just add a field to our pages front-matter.

    I called mine layout.

    And i think to start i will have 3

    The default layout provided by docz

    One without the sidebar

    And one that is a blank slate, No sidebar or header.

    So the three options for layout are:

      so for example to remove the sidebar from a page i will create a new mdx file and set the front-matter like this:

      name: My New Post
      layout: content

      See here i set layout to content

      now we need to take that layout value and do something with it, the rest of this post assumes you have a minimal docz site setup, if not checkout their docs

      First we need to override the docz theme to inject our layout.

      so create a file at project_root/src/gatsby-theme-docz/index.js

      and add this to it:

      /** @jsx jsx */
      import { jsx } from 'theme-ui'
      import { theme, useConfig, ComponentsProvider, useCurrentDoc } from 'docz'
      import { Styled, ThemeProvider } from 'theme-ui'
      import defaultTheme from 'gatsby-theme-docz/srx/theme'
      import components from 'gatsby-theme-docz/src/components'
      const Theme = ({ children }) => {
      const { themeConfig } = useConfig()
      return (
      <ThemeProvider theme={themeConfig}>
      <ComponentsProvider components={components}>
      export const enhance = theme(
      mode = 'light',
      showPlaygroundEditor = true,
      showLiveError = true,
      }) => ({
      initialColorMode: mode,
      export default enhance(Theme)

      Now this is just a minimal working theme, so lets add our changes, first lets grab our layouts (well make the new ones next):

      import { Layout as DefaultLayout } from 'gatsby-theme-docz/src/components/Layout'
      import { Layout as ContentLayout } from '../components/layouts/content'
      import { Layout as EmptyLayout } from '../components/layouts/empty'

      Now inside of our theme component we will use the useCurrentDoc hook provided by docz.

      It allows us to get the currently loaded documents front-matter to see which layout it is asking for.

      const Theme = ({ children }) => {
      const { themeConfig } = useConfig()
      const currentDoc = useCurrentDoc()
      const layouts = {
      default: DefaultLayout,
      content: ContentLayout,
      empty: EmptyLayout,
      const layoutName = currentDoc && currentDoc.layout ? currentDoc.layout : 'default'
      const layout = layouts[layoutName]
      const componentMap = {
      return (
      <ThemeProvider theme={themeConfig} components={componentMap}>
      <ComponentsProvider components={componentMap}>

      Now lets make our layouts.

      Of Course there are definatly better ways to do this but my goal here is just to keep everything working like it is.

      So for the layout that will still have the header component im will just copy the default layout definition.

      For the empty one we can just return our children wrapped in a div.

      /** @jsx jsx */
      import { useRef } from 'react'
      import { jsx, Layout as BaseLayout, Main, Container } from 'theme-ui'
      import { Global } from '@emotion/core'
      import global from 'gatsby-theme-docz/src/theme/global'
      import { Header } from 'gatsby-theme-docz/src/components/Header'
      import * as styles from 'gatsby-theme-docz/src/components/Layout/styles'
      export const Layout = ({ children }) => {
      const nav = useRef()
      styles.wrapper.display = 'flex'
      return (
      <BaseLayout sx={{ '& > div': { flex: '1 1 auto' } }} data-testid="layout">
      <Global styles={global} />
      <Main sx={styles.main}>
      <Header nav={nav} onOpen={()=>{}} />
      <div sx={styles.wrapper}>
      <Container sx={styles.content} data-testid="main-container">
      /** @jsx jsx */
      import { jsx, Box } from 'theme-ui'
      export const Layout = ({children, ...props}) =>{
      return (
      <Box {...props}>

      Now i can get whichever layout i want loaded for a page through its front-matter. Cool huh?
